
flying dutchman中文是什么意思

  • 1.(传说中)注定要永远在海上飘流直至最后审判日的荷兰水手。



  • 例句与用法
  • In bracebridge hall, he concocted an american version( "the storm-ship" )of the flying dutchman legend .
  • Because there is only one flying dutchman , you ? ? arjen robben
    因为,只有一个荷兰小飞侠,你? ?阿扬?罗本。
  • Perfect . i have two ticketsto " the flying dutchman " at the met tonight
    好极了我有两张今晚在大都会歌剧院。 "漂泊的荷兰人"的票子。
  • In bracebridge hall , he concocted an american version ( " the storm - ship " ) of the flying dutchman legend
    在《布雷斯勃列奇田庄》里,他按照《鬼船》的情节,虚构了美国式的“风雨舟” 。
  • Captain jack sparrow johnny depp discovers he owes a blood debt to the legendary davey jones , captain of the ghostly flying dutchman
    阿历斯雷达阿历斯彼迪化饰本是一个普通的中学生,但? .
  • As leporello under the direction of gian carlo del monaco . in 1991 , rasilainen made another debut in flensburg in wagner s opera the flying dutchman
    在学期间已踏台板,演出迪蒙纳戈执导的《唐乔望尼》 ,饰演利普勒罗一角。
  • 14 from robben four minutes later , a second flying dutchmen , arjen robben , teased and probed before releasing ruud van nistelrooy to open his account in this tournament
  • It may be going a little far to suggest arjen robben is a card - carrying member of a left - wingers union , but chelsea ' s flying dutchman has warned his team - mates of the threat from that flank during the fa cup final
  • However , reverting to friend sinbad and his horrifying adventures who reminded him a bit of ludwig , alias ledwidge , when he occupied the boards of the gaiety when michael gunn was identified with the management in the flying dutchman , a stupendous success , and his host of admirers came in large numbers , everyone simply flocking to hear him though ships of any sort , phantom or the reverse , on the stage usually fell a bit flat as also did trains , there was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it , he conceded
  • 其他语种释义
  • flying dutchmanとは意味:{1} : さまよえるオランダ人◆ワグナー作のオペラ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 飛ぶように疾走するオランダ船[幽霊船]
  • 推荐英语阅读
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